Cárnicas IRUÑA, S.A. is a meat company located in Orkoien, on the outskirts of Pamplona, Navarre.

Its business includes the slaughtering, cutting and sale of pork, for which it has a cutting room adapted to current market requirements. The pigs are born and raised in Navarre and its bordering provinces; thus, the highest quality is guaranteed from farm to plate, reinforced by the guarantee of the chain of information traceability to the final consumer.


Superior quality, combined with a more comprehensive service, have turned Cárnicas Iruña a leading player in meat distribution in northern Spain..

Cárnicas Iruña has remained faithful to its original business approach. Its clients, whether retailers, wholesalers or manufacturers, include the most prestigious meat sellers in Navarra. To meet their needs we offer CERCANA, a premium quality meat produced exclusively from animals reared in Navarra. The company has also started an international operation to fulfil the requirements of the future CIUDAD DE LA CARNE project.


Cárnicas Iruña, SA is jointly owned by Agropecuaria Obanos and Agropec Pirineos, both pig farming companies in Spain.

This union has brought synergies covering the supply of premium quality pigs and their
slaughter and cutting subject the highest standards.

CERCANA is a brand of pork owned by FENAPOR

FENAPOR is a non-profit body created in Pamplona in 2001, resulting from the merger of:

ANPROGAPOR Association of Porcine Livestock Breeders of Navarra.

ANAMASAD Navarran Association of Abattoirs and Meat Cutting Rooms.

CERCANA Quality Pork from Navarra, born with the aim of offering consumers a brand of guaranteed premium quality pork meat from animals raised exclusively on farms in Navarra. CERCANA includes tracking and monitoring of the animals all the way from the farm to the cutting room, and its schedule includes more stringent breeding and handling requirements than provided by the law.


  • All animals born, raised and slaughtered exclusively in Navarre.
  • The livestock farms registered with CERCANA follow proper handling practices and suitable feeding strictly in accordance with environmental conditions at all times.
  • Feedstuffs with at least 60 % grain, no meat meal, whey or other substances which might interfere with the quality or flavour of the meet.
  • Regulations prevent animal suffering, and establish appropriate waiting periods prior to
  • The CERCANA traceability system allows every piece to be fully identified at any time
    thanks to a visible labelling system, containing all the information regarding its origin and
    slaughtering and cutting dates.
  • All the companies forming part of CERCANA are subject to inspection and monitoring by technical staff from both FENAPOR and the certifying company.


Industrial Estate Venta de Judas, 6
31440 LUMBIER – Navarra

T. +34 948 32 51 33
F. +34 948 32 53 09
Contestador +34 948 32 51 36